Please be reminded that Jr. High Basketball photos will be taken Wednesday, January 8, right after school. Picture envelopes are available in the lobby. Please contact the school with any questions.
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Little League
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Little League
The Sunrise Little League would like MES students to know the 2020 Registration for Tee Ball, Softball and Baseball is now open. This notice is available in the school lobby if you would like to pick one up.
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Sunrise Little League
Parents, PLEASE be reminded that we DO HAVE children and staff with peanut/nut allergies. Although we cannot guarantee a nut free school, we do ask people to be considerate of this and not bring snacks/lunches containing peanut butter or nuts. Thank you for your cooperation.
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Attention 3rd and 5th Gr. Parents: Please know these students will be doing Thursday Forays all winter. PLEASE make sure your children are properly dressed for these outdoor activities EVERY Thursday. Look for the notices with all of the details that are being sent home.
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Please note an error on the calendar that was sent home before break. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is January 20th NOT January 13th.
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
January Calendar
Shopping with Grade 6 helper elves
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Merry Christmas!
Cousins at work.
Two great smiles!
More shopping with Grade 6 photos
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Who is this present for?
Filling out those tags.
Where did I put my tape?
Nice job!
Shopping with Grade 6
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Shopping at school with the 6th Graders
Shopping with the 6th graders
It's a wrap!
Wrapping things up!
Parents, Be reminded that if at all possible, we like to get the kids out for their 15 minute recesses, even on a little colder days. PLEASE make sure your child(ren) has/have boots, mittens/gloves, snow pants, coats and hats so they are properly covered and can enjoy the snow!
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
MES extends a HUGE thank you to all who organized and helped with the Craft Day. The two hour delay didn't slow you down! The kids had a wonderful time. Your time, energy and efforts are very much appreciated. Thanks for all you do.
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
EdGE has been cancelled for this afternoon due to the inclement weather. Ball practices have been cancelled as well. PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
The newest clothing order is in. Please let Mrs. Bailey know if it is okay to send your order home with your kids.
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Deck the Halls and the STUDENTS!
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Santa, Rudolph and Pre K
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Visitors at MES
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Santa and Rudolph visit with our most decked out student!
Please remember there is NO EDGE tomorrow, Wednesday, December 11. It is Christmas Concert day. Students should be here at 5:45 p.m. The concert starts at 6:00 p.m. We hope to see you there.
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
ONE FINAL REMINDER - ALL RAFFLE TICKETS NEED TO BE TURNED IN SOONER THAN LATER. The big drawing is tomorrow. Thank you! And a great big thanks to all who helped with this fundraiser! Merry Christmas
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Tickets need to be turned in!  It's almost time to draw the winner!
Good Monday Morning! Please make sure all Tree Raffle Tickets are turned in today or by NOON time tomorrow (12/10) at the very latest! Tickets will be available for purchase at the concert. There's still time to buy your winning ticket. Good luck!
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary