The Academic Awards have been postponed until Tuesday, February 11 at 1:30 p.m.
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
The Jr. High Play Off games will be held Monday, February 10th instead of Friday the 7th. Both games will still be in Beals. The Lady Tigers will play at 5:00 and the Tigers will follow at 6:30 p.m. Please call the school with questions. GO TEAMS!
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Parents, PLEASE be reminded just how important it is for parents to pick up their children and exit the building as quickly as possible during dismissal. There is simply too much confusion when the lobby is full to make sure children safely get on their correct buses. THANK YOU!
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
The February calendars will be coming home today. We do not have the February Menus yet but you can see what for lunch tomorrow on the MSAD 37 app. For those who may not the app yet - it's spaghetti! YUM!
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Sorry - correction...1/30 and 1/31
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Two more days of Lori doubling up the morning bus run at MES. Please look for buses to run as they have been for the past week both tomorrow and Friday (1/29 and 1/30). You may contact Lori with questions.
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Please be reminded there will be no EdGE and no ball practices tomorrow, Wednesday, January 29. Feel free to share. Thanks!
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
At least two more days of doubling up. Lori will be do both runs tomorrow, 1/28, and Wednesday, 1/29. Please share and thank you for your patience and understanding.
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Happy Monday Morning! Lori will need to double up the morning run again today, Monday, 1/27. Please expect delays and please share. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
We will need to double up in the AM on Jan 23 & 24 in Mibridge. NO Clara’s bus. Lori will drive her regular run, then drive Clara’s run starting at 7:30. For walkers and students that ride with parents: A bus will depart MES at 7:40 and proceed to NJSHS and arrive at 7:55 - Lori
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
January 22- AM DOUBLE UP in MILBRIDGE. NO Clara’s bus. Lori will drive her run, then drive Clara’s run starting at 7:35am and traveling over the following roads: Rte. 1 to Steuben line, Wyman Road, Main Street, Rte. 1 to Cherryfield Line. PLEASE SHARE
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
There will be NO EDGE or BALL PRACTICES Wednesday, January 29, 2020. We will send a reminder as the date gets closer.
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Science Class in PreK
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Little Scientists
Little Scientists
Science Class in PreK
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Little Scientists
Little Scientists
Little Scientists
Little Scientists
We just received a message from Lori - "We will need to double up in Milbridge this afternoon. NO Clara's first bus. Lori will do her regular run and then deliver Clara's students. Expect delays. Thank you"
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Story time is always fun with Miss Alahna!
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Pre K and Moving Stories
Pre K and Moving Stories
Our Lost and Found is getting quite large. Do you recognize anything?
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Just a few of the items "found"
Boots?  Anyone?
Practices have been cancelled as well. PLEASE SHARE this information as well.
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
The EdGE office just called and they are cancelling programming for this afternoon. Due to the late notice, PLEASE SHARE with as many people as you can. Thank you.
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Some of the back ordered Yankee Candle items are in. We will send home what we can with the students. Please feel free to call the office to check on yours.
about 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary