After a last minute plan, soccer pictures will be taken this afternoon before the game. Don't worry about your envelopes. All team members will be photographed and you can send them in at at a later date. Our apologies for any inconvenience.

There is no PreK Friday, September 27 or Friday, October 4 due to DIAL 4 screening. Contact the school with questions. Please feel free to share.

That angel, Lori Mathews, found another driver for this afternoon. Both buses will leave here around 3 p.m. There still will not be an early bus run though. Please call the school with questions. Happy Weekend!

There will be no Early Clara's Bus Run this afternoon.

Lori has to double her bus run this afternoon. She will do her route and then come back for Clara's students. Expect delay. Please pass this message along. Thank you. Happy Friday!

Please remember the importance of letting our coaches know if you are taking your child(ren) from a field and/or ballgame. If you are in attendance and want your child with you, please also let the coaches know this. Thank you for your cooperation. It is much appreciated.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Lori will have to double up in Milbridge today, (Thursday, 9/18). Lori will do her run first then return to begin Clara's run at 7:30 a.m. Expect delays. Thank you for your patience.

Lifetouch will be taking Soccer and Cross Country photos on the 30th along with individual pictures. Sports photo envelopes are available in the school lobby. The other envelopes are being sent home with students today.

Please be reminded that School Physicals are this Friday, September 20th, for students in grades 4 through 6. Permission slips need to be brought in as soon as they can. Please call the school with questions.

Grade 5 will travel to Addison Tuesday, September 17th, for a Constitution Day Program. Please contact the school with any questions.

A reminder that our Open House is tomorrow, Thursday, September 12 from 6 to 7 p.m. All will meet in the gym for introductions from Ms. White. Everyone will then be welcome to meet teachers and visit classrooms. Please feel free to share. We hope to see you there.

The first Cross Country Meet of the season will be today at 4 pm in Jonesport. The bus leaves at 3 pm from MES. If your child is uncertain of whether they are taking the bus or you are picking them up, please call the school this morning. Thanks. GO TIGERS! Run like the wind!

What a great day for FieldDay, nice planning Galen.