MES - Hope no minds if we share. There are some familiar MES faces in this pic! So cute!
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Way back Wednesday!
MES - There WILL BE EdGE at MES today (3/11) and tomorrow (3/12).
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
MES - There will be NO EDGE this afternoon, Tuesday, March 10th. PLEASE SHARE. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
MES - There will be cheering practice this afternoon (3/10) from 2:45 to 4:30 p.m. in the gym. Please contact Coach Fraser with any questions.
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
MES - Influenza
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
MES - There will be no basketball practice for either the boys or the girls for the rest of the week. You may contact the school should you have questions.
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
MES - PreK visits the outdoor classroom!
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Outdoor Classroom
Outdoor Classroom
MES - PreK visits the new Outdoor Classroom!
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Pre-K in the Outdoor Classroom
Outdoor Classroom
Outdoor Classroom
Outdoor Classroom
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
MES - Puzzles, puzzles, puzzles!
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Puzzles in PreK
MES Reminder from Lori: As we have asked before, PLEASE DO NOT PARK in the bus circle. Lori is finding that some parents park in the circle then go into the school. Unattended students are then in the parking lot as buses are entering and exiting. This is VERY unsafe. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
More teamwork
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Pre-K Team Work
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
MES - to clarify - there will be no Pre-K or Kindergarten on April 8. All other students will attend school this day. Apologies if this caused any confusion.
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
MES-There will be Pre-K & K Registration Wed, April 8. There will be no classes for current students this day. If you know of someone with a child entering this fall (PreK, age 4 before 10/15; K, age 5 before 10/15), have them call MES/546-2210 to schedule an appointment. Thanks!
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Guest Readers in Pre-K for Read Across America Day.
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Guest Readers
Guest Reader
Guest Reader
MES - These birds!
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
These kids!
MES - Be reminded there is NO EDGE today, Monday, March 2. The first home Pee Wee Game is tonight. Tip off is at 5:00 p.m.
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
MES - There will be NO EDGE Monday, March 2. Please help spread the word. Thanks!
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
MES - Grade 3 enjoying their Thursday Foray (on Friday) in their new outdoor classroom.
almost 5 years ago, Maria White, Milbridge Elementary
Third Grade Foray