MES - Please be reminded that meal pick up and delivery remains at Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If at all possible, we do suggest the meal bags be delivered directly to your home. Thanks!
The MES Food Pantry will be open Wednesdays from 10:00 to 12:00 p.m. until further notice.
MES Parents, in case you did not see the letter from Mr. Ramsay, please make note the gym will be open Wednesdays only from 10 to 12 for work pick up and drop off. New MES packets will be available April 1. Please contact Mrs. Bailey with questions. Hope this finds you all well!
Apologies - that's - There is NO "T" in Parker - and there is no "I" in TEAM - not sure what one has to do with the other?! Maybe Mrs. Bailey is just going a tad stir crazy!
It's time for another episode of Tackle Box Math! Get those answers and reasons why to Mr. Parker at Click here for the link:
Here's Aleigha doing her work! We miss you!!!!
Miss Yvonne has been busy making scrapbook cards for her students. She misses you all! Thanks for your hard work, Miss Yvonne!
Pre-K and Kindergarten registration have been cancelled for April 8. We have your names and phone numbers so we will be in contact as soon as we have the new date. Thanks for your understanding. Stay safe and we will see you soon.
When stressed, tired, over whelmed teachers and staff show up at school to find this...there's nothing quite like it! Thank you to the girls who did this for us. We are not sure if they wanted to be recognized or not. If so, we will certainly let you know who was so thoughtful!
Mr. Rick Parker has a math problem for you! Can YOU figure out how many bobbers are in the jar? Bet you can! Click here to see his video: Good luck!
No better science class than the coast of Maine. We are so lucky to live here! SO LUCKY!
HOW COOL! Please share your rainbow pics with Mrs. Bailey! She will post them. Thank you, Chipman's Warf. We LOVE it!
Ask and you shall receive. First snowman pics. Thanks for sharing Moore Family!
Yasmin and William are learning about shapes in Pre-K today. Great job!
One of our third graders hard at work! Thank you all for sharing your pictures. We are hearing nothing but great remarks! Everyone is enjoying them. It is helping to keep us all connected with our MES family.
A soon to be MSAD 37 pre-k student and her Rose Gaffney brother out for either PE or recess. Mom called it a much needed break!
Mrs. Polk Hoffses is teaching from home!
Mrs. Lisee would like all 5th and 6th graders to know that she has emailed you. She will be keeping in touch with you that way. Please check your emails daily for updates and messages. If you are unable to do this, perhaps you can have a friend give you a hand. She misses you!
Milbridge Elementary will be open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. this week.
MES-There were many calls, emails, and Facebook messages involved in creating the Meal Delivery/Pick Up list. IF for some reason you do not get yours today, PLEASE let Mrs. Bailey know ASAP so she can fix any problem that may arise. Stay safe. MES misses you all.