MES - Boys Pee Wee Basketball Practice scheduled for tonight (3/29/21) has been cancelled.
Pee Wee Basketball schedule for week 3/29/21 - 4/2/21
MES - Pee Wee Basketball Schedule for Week of 3/22/2021 - 3/26/2021
MES - Pee Wee Basketball Schedule Update. Wednesday, March 17 practice will be co-ed from 3pm-5pm.
MES - Reminder Thursday, March 18th will be an Early Release. Dismissal will be at 11:30am, lunch will be served.
MES - Pee Wee Basketball Schedule for Week of 3/15/2021 - 3/19/2021
MES - There will be NO EdGE today 3/11/2021. Pee Wee Basketball Co-Ed practice for today has been changed to 3:00pm-4:30pm. Reminder parents are not allowed in the school during practices and for pickups.
MES - Pee Wee Basketball Schedule for Week of 3/8/2021 - 3/12/2021
MES - Pee Wee permission slips for grades 4-6 will be sent home today. Any remote student wishing to play Pee Wee basketball please contact the office for a permission slip.
MES - Tomorrow is an Early Release Day. Students will be dismissed at 11:30.
MES - We will have a two hour delay today. Classes will begin at 10:00. Breakfast will not be served.
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MES- Next week will be Spirit Week. We will have a fun theme for each day.
Be An Athlete Monday and wear your favorite team sports gear.
Be A Tiger Tuesday and wear tiger gear or school colors (orange/black).
Be A Teacher Thursday and dress up like a teacher or dress like your favorite teacher.
Be A Valentine Friday and wear Valentines colors and hearts.
La semana del 2/8/2021 - 2/12/20201 será la semana del espíritu escolar. Cada día tendrá un tema divertido.
Los estudiantes pueden vestirse como un atleta el lunes y usar ropa deportiva de equipo favorita
Los estudiantes pueden vestirse como un tigre el martes y usar ropa de tigre o colores escolares (naranja / negro)
Los estudiantes pueden vestirse como un profesor el jueves y vístete como un profesor o vístete como tu profesor favorito.
Los estudiantes pueden vestirse como un San Valentín el viernes y usar los colores y corazones de San Valentín.
4 de febrero de 2021
Estimadas familias de la escuela MES:
Tendremos nuestras fiestas de San Valentín en el salón de clases el viernes 12 de febrero. Es medio día de clases ese día así que las fiestas serán desde las 10:00 hasta la hora del almuerzo. Los maestros proporcionarán todas las golosinas para la fiesta. Si los estudiantes desean traer tarjetas de San Valentínes para sus compañeros de clase, pueden hacerlo. Las tarjetas de San Valentín que se traigan a la escuela deben llegar antes del martes 9 de febrero. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en llamar a la escuela.
February 4, 2021
Dear MES families,
We will be having our classroom Valentine parties on Friday, February 12. It is a half day of school that day so the parties will be from 10:00 until lunchtime. Teachers will be providing all treats for the party. If students wish to bring in Valentines for their classmates they may do so. Any Valentines brought into school must be in by Tuesday, February 9. If there are any questions don’t hesitate to call the school.
MES- Today (2/2/21) will be a remote snow day. Students work on Snow Day packets. Stay warm and safe!
MES-Today will be a remote snow day for all SAD 37 schools...Friday (1/29/21).
Please complete snow day packet.
MES Families:
Due to an unforeseen issue with transportation, there will be no EdGE afterschool activities today. Programming will resume tomorrow afternoon. Apologies for any inconvenience. Thank you.
MES - We have a two hour delay this morning due to icy roads. School begins at 10:00
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MES - To Parents/Guardians of Remote Learning Students. Due to the snow storm yesterday the gift bags for students are not ready for pick up today. These gift bags will be available for pickup on Tuesday, December 22, from 8am-3pm.
To Parents/Guardians of In Person Learning we look forward to seeing students next Monday, December 21 and Tuesday, December 22 for some holiday festivities.
MES - There is no in school learning today due to the impending storm. Students are to complete their #1 Snow Day packet . Packets are to be returned tomorrow. If you have questions please reach out to teachers via email or Google Classroom.