Tomorrow is Pink Day at DWM! Wear pink and bring a donation for the Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center!
almost 4 years ago, Lorna Greene
Due to the weather, this will be a remote snow day. Students are to work on snow day packet #1.
about 4 years ago, Lorna Greene
During the district closure from Dec. 7-9, students are to begin work on their quarantine packets that were sent home earlier this fall. Please e-mail classroom teachers or call the school if students need help or if they have any questions. The staff and I will be available Mon., Tues. and Wed. We look forward to students returning to school on Thursday, December 10.
about 4 years ago, Lorna Greene
Dawn Fickett, 41 minutes ago Due to a positive COVID case in one of the MSAD 37 schools, we will be releasing students at 11:00 today. We are using an abundance of caution in responding to the case and more information will follow as we proceed.
about 4 years ago, Lorna Greene
Thanksgiving Break November 23 - 27! We will see students again on November 30. Have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!
about 4 years ago, Lorna Greene
D.W. Merritt School Update 11-5-20 If the superintendent should call a Snow Day due to weather conditions, students will work on snow day packets and/or Google Classroom from home. Three Snow Day packets will be sent home today so that students have them should the need arise. Any remote snow days will count as school days and they will not have to be made up at the end of the school year.
about 4 years ago, Lorna Greene
We will need to double up busses this afternoon (Oct. 6) in Addison/Columbia/ & Columbia Falls. NO Kevin's bus. Expect delays. As always, thank you for your patience.
about 4 years ago, Dawn Fickett
Report cards, awards, gifts & treats for students may be picked up @ DWM on Friday 10:00-3:00. Staff caravan around DWM community beginning @ 3:00. See you then!
over 4 years ago, Lorna Greene
Final learning packet pick-up from 10:00-12:00 on Wednesday, May 27. Work and lap-top return on June 3 from 10:00-12:00. Report card and awards pick-up on Friday, June 12 from 10:00-3:00. Staff caravan through the DWM community on Friday, June 12 @ 3:00!
over 4 years ago, Lorna Greene
Due to upcoming Memorial Day weekend, lunch delivery changes are as follows: Fri., May 22 four days of lunches delivered - Tuesday, May 26 three days of lunches delivered. Back to regular lunch delivery schedule on Friday, May 29. Enjoy the holiday weekend!
over 4 years ago, Lorna Greene
Call the school @ 483-2229 on May 27 (8:00-12:00) to register your pre-k and kindergarten students for the fall. Screenings will take place after school starts. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Lorna Greene
Staff caravan to follow lunch buses as follows: Mon. 20th for Ronie's bus, Wed. 22nd for Pat's bus & Fri. 24 for Dawn's bus. We will pass by homes to wave to students beginning @ 9:45! Home to see you along the way!
over 4 years ago, Lorna Greene
The next day for learning packet pick-up and drop-off at DWM is on Wednesday, April 29 from 10:00-12:00.
over 4 years ago, Lorna Greene
Due to road conditions lunch deliveries and pickups will be from 12:00-2:00 today (Wednesday April 10)
over 4 years ago, Lorna Greene
Teacher's Meeting on ZOOM
over 4 years ago, Lorna Greene
D.W. Merritt teachers planning remote learning on ZOOM!
DWM packet pick up and drop off days for April will be Wednesday's the 8th and the 29th from 10:00-12:00. Going forward, you will get two packets at a time. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Lorna Greene
Due to protocol changes as of 3-30-20, learning packet drop off and pick up in the gym 10:00-12:00 on Wednesdays only. Lunch pick up in the lobby 10:00-12:00 M,W,F. If you wish to have lunches delivered rather than you pick up, please call 483-2229. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Lorna Greene
DWM - You may pick up learning packets, drop off work and pick up lunches from 10:00-12:00 M,W,F. Please practice social distancing and go directly to the gym for your materials. The building will be closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays. You may reach me and the teachers by phone or email. Thank you for your support and cooperation as we continue to work together.
almost 5 years ago, Lorna Greene
This second grader was anxious to send her teacher a picture of her reading assignment!
almost 5 years ago, Lorna Greene
DWM - Remote Learning Update from Mrs. Greene: Beginning March 23, the school will be open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00-12:00 each week. At this time completed learning packets may be dropped off and new ones picked up. You may reach teachers and me through email at any time. Thank you for your support as we continue to work together!
almost 5 years ago, Lorna Greene