Good afternoon there is a last minute change to this afternoon‘s transportation no Melanie‘s bus. Tim will double up. Tim will start the route at DWM.
Reminder: there will be a double up for Ronie’s bus this afternoon.
Upcoming Events!
Reminder - Tomorrow, Nov. 22 is an early release day for Thanksgiving break. Dismissal begins at 11:30. Lunch will be served. No school on Nov. 23 & 24. All of us at DWM wish you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving!
DWM - Notice from the transportation dept. - No Ronie‘s bus 11/15-11/17 both a.m. and p.m. Jon’s bus will double up.
The DWM first quarter award’s assembly has been changed to Monday, November 20 @ 1:00!
This Week at DWM!
1. This is phys. ed. week, remember your sneakers!
2. This is Book Fair week!
3. Classroom Chili Cook-Off on Tuesday!
4. First quarter awards are on Tuesday at 1:00!
5. Parent/Teacher conferences the 16 & 17!
6. Early release for students Nov. 16 & 17!
Let’s make this a great week! 😊
Reminder: Halloween Parties are tomorrow at 10:00! Students will change into costumes at school. Remember that students are not to have violent or bloody costumes. Please join us in the gym at 10:30 for the costume parade! This will be followed by an early lunch and early dismissal. The first bus will leave at approximately 11:30 with parent pick ups at 11:45 and final busses at 12:00. Thank you!
The D.W. Merritt school family sends thoughts and prayers to the Lewiston community following the tragic events of Thursday evening.
No Ronie’s bus tomorrow 10/25. John Grant will drive Jon’s bus and double up for Ronie both am. & pm. Please expect delays on these routes.
Odd Sock Day at DWM!
Change to today’s transportation, No Ronie ‘s bus, 10/23 both a.m. and p.m. Jon’s bus will double up. --- Jonathan MacLeod Transportation Director
Notice from the transportation department: unexpected change for today. No Ronie‘s bus both a.m. and p.m. Jon’s bus will double up. Please expect delays.
Versant Power presentations at DWM today for grades 4,5 & 6!
Grade 2 will visit the Downeast Institute tomorrow, Oct. 5! Remember boots and a sweatshirt!
Friday is Spirit Day at DWM! Wear red or spirit wear and have a chance to win a prize!
Tomorrow is Spirit Friday! Wear red for a chance to win a free pizza certificate!
Cross Country practice for this afternoon has been cancelled!
Bag lunches with ham and cheese sandwiches will be served on Monday.
See you this evening 5:30-6:30 for Open House! Tour the school, meet the staff and learn about Title 1! Pizza and chips will be served. Darling’s Ice Cream truck will be here and all donations will benefit the school playground improvement fund.