February 12, 2025 There is no EdGE After-School Program today.
30 days ago, Eric Brooks
January 21, 2025 Due to a bus driver shortage, there will be a double up in the morning (Jan 21). Jon MacLeod will drive Darlene’s regular bus run, drop students off at Harrington Elementary, and then do Buddy’s run. Please be careful due to the extreme cold. Parents/families may drop students off early at school, if needed, to avoid the extreme temperatures.
about 2 months ago, Eric Brooks
The EdGE After-School Program will start Wednesday, October 23, for students who are signed up. Please send a note with your child if they are supposed to stay on Wednesday. Thank you!
5 months ago, Eric Brooks
The Cross Country Meet for 9/26/24 is being postponed until 9/27/24 due to the rain. There is no Cross Country practice today.
6 months ago, Eric Brooks
NOW HIRING: -Spec. Ed. Ed Tech -Ed Tech for ESOL (shared with Milbridge) -Substitute Teachers/Ed Techs/Cooks/Custodians For more information, contact the MSAD #37 Superintendent's Office by phone at (207) 483-2734.
7 months ago, Eric Brooks
FALL MUM SALE Harrington Elementary Parent Teacher Support Group is once again selling beautiful fall mums in 8 inch pots! $8.00 each or 2/$15.00. All orders & money are due September 6. Delivery will be Sept 12 or 13. https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/883/Harrington_Elementary/4725211/Fall_Mums_2024.pdf
7 months ago, Eric Brooks
Have a student to register at Harrington Elementary? Email ebrooks@msad37.org to start the process!
8 months ago, Eric Brooks
The last day of school is June 14 with awards at 9:00 AM. Lunch will be served and school will dismiss at 11:30. Thank you for a great year!
9 months ago, Eric Brooks
No EdGE After-School Program on Wednesday, May 1, 2024.
11 months ago, Eric Brooks
Have a wonderful school vacation week! See you on April 22!
11 months ago, Eric Brooks
Today's basketball games at DWM have been rescheduled until tomorrow, April 9, due to the eclipse. The bus will leave at 4:15 as planned for games at 5:00 & 6:15 (approx). There will be no practices today. The team celebrations scheduled for tomorrow will now be Wednesday, April 11 (2:45-3:45).
11 months ago, Eric Brooks
MSAD 37 is hiring! We have several positions available, visit: https://www.servingschools.com/job/ltuqrl/k-6-teachers/harrington/me
12 months ago, Eric Brooks
Pre K & Kindergarten Registration is April 2. Please call the office for an appointment. No school for Pre K & K that day.
12 months ago, Eric Brooks
January 16, 2024: Today will be an early release at 11:30. No EdGE program & tonight's basketball game will be Thursday. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Eric Brooks
This week's EdGE Schedule: Tuesday, January 2 & Wednesday, January 3 only! No EdGE on Thursday due to the concert.
about 1 year ago, Eric Brooks
Lunch Menu for January 2024
about 1 year ago, Eric Brooks
No school at Harrington Elementary (only) on December 19 & 20, 2023.
about 1 year ago, Eric Brooks
Reminder: No EdGE After-School Program on December 18, 19, 20, 2023. Please make sure your child knows their plan for after school.
over 1 year ago, Eric Brooks
Reminder: November 16 & 17 are Early Release Days at 11:30. There is no EdGE After-School Programs on Early Release Days. We look forward to seeing you for your child's parent/teacher conference!
over 1 year ago, Eric Brooks
early release