Hawk Happenings- Week of November 11


If you haven’t made an appointment for Parent/Teacher Conferences yet, teachers may still have availability. Please contact your child’s teacher. Appointments are made on a first come, first serve basis.

Drop off is between 7:30-8:00 AM. There is no supervision available before 7:30AM.

Please be cautious of buses, especially in the coned area in front of the building.

Students should not be bringing toys to school.

There have been many requests to use the gym for different events. Please stop by the office or email Mr. Brooks to complete the necessary paperwork. The use of the gym must meet the MSAD #37 Facilities Use Policy and not interfere with school/district activities. The gym is also reserved on a first come, first serve basis based on the policy. Please note that a fee for the use of the facility will be assessed if staff coverage is needed.  **If you reserve the gym and then fail to show up, you may jeopardize your ability to reserve it in the future as other groups may have been turned away.**


Monday, Nov. 11:  Veterans Day- No School


Tuesday, Nov. 12:  Classes will create wishlists at the Book Fair!


Wednesday, Nov. 13:  Quarter 1 Report Cards come home today, Book Fair OPEN during the school day for student purchases, Grades 4, 5, 6 Soccer at DWM (3:00-5:00)


Thursday, Nov. 14:  EARLY RELEASE (11:25), Parent/Teacher Conferences by Appointment, No EdGE After-School Program, BOOK FAIR OPEN to the public


Friday, Nov. 15:  Quarter 1 Awards Assembly 10:00, EARLY RELEASE (11:25)


Upcoming Dates:

November 27: Early Release (11:25) for Thanksgiving

November 28-29: No School, Thanksgiving

December 10: Christmas Concert, 6:00 PM