Hawk Happenings- Week of October 7, 2024
It is Phys. Ed. Week! Please remember sneakers!
The EdGE After-School Program has been postponed until at least October 16.
If your child is not following their normal dismissal routine, please send a note into the office. We cannot dismiss students to other people if there is no note providing permission.
Monday: Cross Country Practice 2:45-3:45
Tuesday: Grades 3-6 State Testing, Cross Country Practice 2:45-3:45
Wednesday: Library Day, Picture Retakes & Cross Country Sports Pictures (students should bring uniform!), Grade 4 Versant Power Electricity Presentation, Grades 3-6 State Testing, Cross Country Practice 2:45-3:45
Thursday: Grades 3-6 State Testing, Cross Country Championship at Jonesport Elementary
Upcoming Dates
October 14: No School, Indigenous Peoples’ Day
October 15: No School, Teacher/Staff Workshop Day
October 22: Prevention is Key Dental Clinic
October 31: Trunk or Treat for HES Students at 12:45 & Halloween Celebrations