Hawk Happenings- Week of September 30, 2024
It is Music Week for PreK, Grade 3 & Grade 6
The EdGE After-School Program has been postponed until at least October 16 due to staffing issues.
If your child is not following their normal dismissal routine, please send a note into the office. We cannot dismiss students to other people if there is no note providing permission.
September 30: School Physicals (Grades 4-6) with signed permission slip, Versant Power Electricity Presentation for Grade 4, Cross Country Practice 2:45-3:45
October 1: Cross Country Practice 2:45-3:45, Parent Teacher Support Group Meeting at 6:00 PM
October 2: Library Day, Cross Country Practice 2:45-3:45, Athletic Subcommittee at Narraguagus at 6:30 RE: Elementary Soccer
October 3: Cross Country Meet at Jonesport Elementary
October 4: Quarter 1 Progress Reports come home
Upcoming Dates:
October 9: Cross Country Sports Pictures & Picture Retakes
Week of October 8: State Testing for Grades 3-6
October 14: No School, Indigenous Peoples’ Day
October 15: No School, Teacher/Staff Workshop Day
October 22: Prevention is Key Dental Clinic