Hawk Happenings ~ Week of September 23, 2024


We are seeing an improvement with attendance, please keep up the great work!  This allows us to make the most of learning time with your child. 


Teachers and staff are busy during the school day with instruction. They will return emails, Remind messages, and phone calls as they are able and/or before/after school. If you have a change to your child’s after school plan during the day, please call the office. 


As a reminder, our school handbook is available on our website:  https://www.msad37.me/o/harrington-elementary/documents  If you would prefer a paper copy, please contact the office.


Our school policies do not allow for individual birthday parties at school. Please do not send cakes, cupcakes, etc.  We sing to students during lunch and early elementary classrooms have special crowns to wear!


Monday, September 23:  Cross Country Practice 2:45-3:45


Tuesday, September 24:  Cross Country Practice 2:45-3:45, Open House 6:00-7:00 PM


Wednesday, September 25:  Library Day & Cross Country Practice 2:45-3:45, School Board Meeting 7:00 PM at Narraguagus Jr/Sr High School


Thursday, September 26:  Cross Country Meet at Jonesport Elementary 4:00


Upcoming Dates:

September 30:  School Sports Physicals & Grade 4 Versant Power Electricity Presentation

October 1:  Parent Teacher Support Group Meeting, 6:00 PM

October 4:  Quarter 1 Progress Reports

October 9:  Picture Retakes & Sports Pictures

October 14:   No School, Indigenous Peoples’ Day

October 15:  No School, Teacher Workshop Day