Hawk Happenings- Week of March 25, 2024
It is Art Week!
Sign up sheets for Parent/Teacher Conferences have been sent home. Please return them as soon as possible to schedule an appointment with your child's teacher(s).
If your child misses school for an appointment, please provide a note from the provider (dentist, doctor, etc.) so that the absence can be excused.
PLEASE be aware of buses in the parking lot and do not pass them when the red lights and stop sign
are engaged.
The office is very busy at the end of the day. Please be sure to communicate any changes with after school plans before 1:00.
Hawks Blankets are still for sale in the office while supplies last: $20 each.
Monday, March 25:
Cheering Practice: 2:45-3:45
Girls’ Basketball Practice 3:30-5:00
NO Boys’ Basketball Practice
Tuesday, March 26:
Cheering Practice: 2:45-3:45
Boys’ Basketball Practice 3:30-5:00
Girls’ Basketball Practice 5:00-6:30
Wednesday, March 27:
Cheering Practice: 2:45-3:45
Girls’ Basketball Practice 3:30-5:00
Boys’ Basketball Practice 5:00-6:30
6:00 Athletic Sub Committee Meeting at Narraguagus RE: Jr. High Sports
7:00 Monthly School Board Meeting at Narraguagus
Thursday, March 28:
Home Basketball Games v. RSU 24
Friday, March 29:
Quarter 3 Grades Close!
12:30 Respect & Anti Bullying Assembly
Gr. 3 & 4 Skills & Drills Basketball 2:45-4:00
April 2: PreK & Kindergarten Registration & Screening (appointments required, No school for PreK & K students only)
April 3: Home Basketball v. Milbridge
April 4: Early Release- 11:30 Dismissal for Parent/Teacher Conferences
April 5: Early Release at 11:30 & Basket Bingo!
April 8: Basketball Games at DWM
April 10: Quarter 3 Awards Assembly & Bikes for Books
April 15-19: No School, Vacation Week
May 11: Saturday School (8:00-11:30) & Spring Music Concert at 10:00, Doors open to the public at 9:30.