Hawk Happenings- Week of February 12, 2024
It is Music Week!
Student Council is selling tickets for a Valentine’s Raffle Basket for 50 cents each. Students may buy these during the day. The drawing will be Wednesday.
Permission Slips for Grades 4, 5, 6 Basketball & Cheering are due WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2024.
It is HES's LOVE OF READING WEEK! We will be doing a few special activities this week to help promote the love of reading!
Book & Craft Time, Book Pick in the Gym: Students will come home with new or used books that have been donated for students to chose from! Tuesday:
Read with a Stuffie Day
EdGE Day Program for PreK, K, 1, 2, 3, 6- Please bring sneakers! Wednesday:
Library Day
SNAP-Ed Nutrition Education for Grades PreK-3
Valentine's Parties (afternoon)
EdGE Day Program for Grades 4 & 5- Please have sneakers! Thursday: Teacher Reading Surprise!
Friday: 100th Day of School!
Early Release at 11:30
Plan Ahead
-February 17-25: No School, Vacation!
-February 27: PreK, K, & Gr. 3 will visit the EdGE Center for Winter Fun Day
-March 1: Quarter 3 Progress Reports