CURRENT AS OF July 29, 2020
In response to COVID-19, MSAD #37 will comply with the guidelines set forth by the federal
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as well as the State of Maine, which are incorporated herein. These MSAD #37 Guidelines will be in effect beginning August 1, 2020 and will remain in effect until no longer needed. They will be revised and updated with the latest CDC and State of Maine guidelines as they evolve over time. Our goal is to continue to minimize the risk of
possible transmission of COVID-19 between people. Therefore, these MSAD #37 COVID
GUIDELINES are mandatory.
The year we are about to embark upon will be a difficult one at best. All employees will need to
be flexible and realize that this is not business as usual. Employees may need to perform tasks,
duties, or be utilized in ways which were not present in previous school experiences. We must
consider the work we do for our students as our collective responsibility. We must do all of
these new things while still maintaining our continued focus on positive relationships, meeting
our students’ social/emotional needs and the overall well-being of the “whole child”. We will
successfully meet this challenge and become stronger for it.
Ronald Ramsay, Superintendent of Schools
MSAD #37 Schools have three distinctly different plans for the education of our students that
may be used this school year as COVID-19 circumstances dictate. The three plans as determined
are a regular full start education plan, a hybrid education plan, and a remote education plan.
These three types of plans are required by the state of Maine in order to be able to open schools this fall. These plans will be implemented based on the safety of our students, the color
determination of our county (Red, Yellow, Green), and our ability to implement the plan.
Regular In-Person Plan:
To be implemented if our county receives a Green determination and if we can adequately meet
all of the requirements necessary to implement the plan and if it is determined that it is the best
plan for the health and safety of our schools.
• All students will return to school following all the CDC and State re-entry guidelines.
• All students must wear a mask. Students that cannot wear a mask due to a documented
medical reason must wear a face shield. Masks will be provided for students that do not
have one available.
• No students will be at school on Wednesday; however, remote learning will be provided.
Facilities will be sanitized and deep cleaned on Wednesday and Teachers will be
implementing remote learning. Staff are expected to be at school every day, Monday
through Friday.
• All students will be held accountable for attendance and for participating. Student work
will be graded.
• Students must socially distance at least 3 feet away from all other students.
• Teachers must socially distance at least 6 feet away from all students and adults.
• Students desks must be placed at least 3 feet away from all other student desks.
• Students must be seated at least 6 feet apart when eating lunch in the cafeteria or gyms.
• Students will remain within their class pod as much as possible.
• Schools will not hold large group gatherings such as assemblies, large group recess, etc.
• Individual classes will have their own recess.
• Students must be wearing a mask to enter the school bus. Masks will be provided if
students do not have one available. One student will be allowed per seat unless they are
seated with a family member. Parents are encouraged to transport their own children, if
• Parents and visitors will not be allowed in the building without an appointment.
• Parents will need to drop off and pick up their students from the designated area at each
school and will not be able to enter the building.
• Students and Staff will do a self-health check every morning before coming to school
(see Appendix).
• Schools/busses will be disinfected daily and high touch areas will be wiped down
frequently throughout the day.
• Students and staff will frequently wash hands and sanitize their hands throughout the day
and after touching certain objects and performing certain activities (lunch, bathroom,
classroom supplies, etc.) Hand sanitizer stations will be provided throughout the school.
Hybrid Education Plan:
To be implemented if our county receives a YELLOW determination or if we cannot meet the
requirements for a Regular Full Start Plan or if it is determined that it is necessary for the health
and safety of our schools.
• In order to reduce class size and increase social distancing students will access school
both in person and remotely throughout the week.
• Students will go to school two days a week and receive remote schooling three days a
• Half the school will attend school on Monday and Thursday. The other half of the student
population will attend school on Tuesday and Friday. No students will be at school on
Wednesday however remote learning will be provided. Facilities will be sanitized and
deep cleaned on Wednesday and Teachers will be implementing remote learning. Staff
are expected to be at school every day, Monday through Friday.
• Students will be held accountable for attending and participating all five days. Student
work will be graded.
• All students will return to school following all the CDC and State re-entry guidelines.
• All students must wear a mask. Students that cannot wear a mask due to a documented
medical reason must wear a face shield. Masks/shields will be provided for students that
do not have them available.
• Students must socially distance at least 3 feet away from all other students.
• Teachers must socially distance at least 6 feet away from all students and adults.
• Students desks must be placed at least 3 feet away from all other student desks.
• Students must be seated at least 6 feet apart when eating lunch in the cafeteria or gyms.
• Students will remain within their class pod as much as possible.
• Schools will not hold large group gatherings such as assemblies, large group recess, etc.
• Individual classes will have their own recess.
• Students must be wearing a mask to enter the school bus. Masks will be provided if
students do not have one available. One student will be allowed per seat unless they are
seated with a family member. Parents are encouraged to transport their own children, if
• Parents and visitors will not be allowed in the building without an appointment.
• Parents will need to drop off and pick up their students from the designated area and will
not be able to enter the building.
• Students and Staff will do a self-health check every morning before coming to school
(see Appendix).
• Schools will be disinfected daily and high touch areas will be wiped down frequently
throughout the day.
Students and staff will frequently wash hands and sanitize their hands throughout the day and
after touching certain objects and performing certain activities (lunch, bathroom, classroom
supplies, etc.) Hand sanitizer stations will be provided throughout the school.
Remote Learning Plan:
To be implemented if our county receives a RED determination or if we have an outbreak of
cases or if it is determined that it is necessary for the health and safety of our schools.
• All students will be expected to attend and participate in school remotely.
• All students will be held accountable for attendance and for participating in remote
• Student work will be graded.
• Students will receive remote packets or online instruction or some combination of both
depending on the grade of the student or other possible limiting factors.
Health & Safety
Before returning to school, students who have left Maine1
(beyond State’s in the current Executive Order--
see footnote below) since July 1, 2020 must provide a negative COVID-19 test result or attest that they
have sufficiently quarantined. After August 1, travel outside of Maine must be reported in advance to your school Principal.
Each day, before entering MSAD #37 property, Students / Parents must complete a self assessment for COVID-19 symptoms. Certain responses will require a student / Parent to
immediately contact their Principal and remain off MSAD #37 property. See attached daily self assessment.
All Students will be provided with face covering/masks or they may wear their own.
Upon entering MSAD #37 property(including busses), all students must wear a face mask/
covering at all times, unless their Principal has approved an exception. The following exceptions may be approved, provided that the student can maintain 3 feet of distance2
– about an arm’s length—from others:
• When the student cannot safely wear a mask due to a medical condition (shield must be
• During mask breaks while maintaining distancing.
All Students must wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (or use sanitizer if washing is not possible) when:
• The Students hands are visibly soiled
• After coughing or sneezing when a face mask is not in place
• Before and after eating, using the restroom, or touching bodily fluids
• Before and after touching common surfaces like workstations, tabletops, touch screens,
door handles, buttons or keypads, light switches, cover plates, • countertops, bus seat backs, handrails, school supplies and equipment, windows, and window ledges.
All Students must practice the following proper CDC infection control measures:
• If coughing or sneezing without a mask in place, students must cover their mouth and
nose with a tissue, or the inside of their elbow, and immediately discard the tissue.
• Avoid touching their eyes, nose, or mouth.
• Avoid touching any surfaces unnecessarily.
• Refrain from hugs and handshakes.
• Notify the School Principal if they, or anyone in their household, has been confirmed to
have COVID-19. See Return to School guidelines attached.
see CDC guidance on social distancing.
Busing of Students
● Students must wear a mask when entering a bus. If a student does not have a mask, one
will be provided by the driver.
● One student per seat, the seat directly behind the driver must be open. Families will be
allowed to sit together.
● Seats in the back of the bus must be loaded first and then move forward. The bus should
be emptied from the front and then the back.
● Students will need to practice social distancing (3 feet) when exiting the bus.
● Several windows should be slightly opened to improve air ventilation.
● The Bus will be swept and sanitized after the completion of each assigned route. See
“Prevention Measures” below for more details.
Health & Safety
● Staff will model frequent hand washing/hand sanitizing for students throughout the
school day, including upon entering/exiting the classroom.
● Ensure that they socially distance themselves 6 feet away from their students as much as
● Ensure that the students within their rooms socially distance themselves 3 feet away from
other students.
● Staff will wipe down and sanitize classroom desks, classroom equipment, common touch
areas as needed throughout the day. Cleaning products will be provided.
Shared Objects
Teachers should do the following with respect to shared objects:
• Discourage the sharing of items that are difficult to clean or disinfect.
• Use “Don’t Touch” bins for stuff that has been used and needs to sit for a few days before
being used by another student.
• Keep each child’s belongings separated from others’ and in individually labeled
containers, cubbies, or areas.
• Ensure adequate supplies to minimize the sharing of high touch materials to the extent
possible (e.g., assigning each student their own art supplies, manipulatives, and other
equipment) or limit the use of supplies and equipment by one group of children at a time
and clean and disinfect between use.
• Avoid sharing electronic devices, toys, books, and other games or learning aids.
• Remove any furniture, toys, rugs, and other items that make spacing for social distancing
difficult or that cannot be easily cleaned each
MSAD #37 will comply with CDC recommendations regarding Students’ return to school after testing positive for COVID-19. Under the current CDC guidance, a student who has tested positive for COVID19 will NOT be able to return to school until:
● the student has gone three days without exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, and at least ten days
have passed since the student’s symptoms appeared; OR
● the student has received two negative COVID-19 test results from specimens taken more than 24 hours apart.
Students who believe they have been exposed to COVID-19 should STAY HOME, CONTACT THEIR TEACHER / PRINCIPAL, follow CDC Guidelines for quarantine and self-isolation, and contact their Doctor. Students who have been tested and the results were negative should communicate those results to their Teacher / Principal. Once done, the Principal may allow the student to return to school. Students who have not been tested but who have exhibited symptoms of COVID-19 may not return to school until the student has gone three days without exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, and at least ten days have passed since the students’ symptoms appeared.
SAD #37 will work with each individual Student / Family to provide realistic accommodations to students who may be in need. Communication is the key to the establishment of effective accommodations for students. Any Student who have a medical condition that is considered to be in a “high risk” category” should communicate with their Teacher and Principal and provide medical documentation. This will allow the administration to review the circumstances and to understand what accommodations may be made and if there is a need for remote schooling.
1. Name: _______________________ Date _______ Phone Number _______________________
2. Have I been out of the state in the last 14 days?
Yes ________ No___________
3. Do I or have I been living with anyone who is sick or quarantined or who has COVID-19?
Yes_________ No ___________
4. Within the past 24 hours have I had a fever (100.4) or used any medication to reduce a fever?
Yes _________ No ___________
5. Do I or have I been around anyone exhibiting these symptoms within the last 14 days?
Yes _________ No ___________
6. Do I or have I had a loss of taste or smell? Yes __________ No __________
7. Do I or have I had shortness of breath? Yes __________ No __________
8. Do I have a cough or sore throat? Yes __________ No __________
9. Do I feel unwell today? Yes __________ No __________
10. Do I have two or more of these symptoms: Chills, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain,
diarrhea, fatigue, headache, rash, swelling or redness of hands or feet, red eyes, congestion, runny
nose? Yes __________ No __________
You should stay home with any yes response to the questions above and contact your principal.