RSU/SAD #37 is accepting applications for Pee Wee Coaches at each of our three elementary schools. This includes: Girls’ Basketball, Boys’ Basketball, and Cheering.
For information/application contact:
Superintendent's Office
1020 Sacarap Road
Harrington ME 04643
Telephone: 483-2734
E-mail: dfickett@msad37.org
Applications will close on Friday, January 24, 2025.

Transportation changes for this week: Afternoon runs on 9/30, 10/1 and 10/2--No route #35 bus (Buddy). Route #30 (Darlene) will double up. Students at NHS and HES need to get on bus route #30.
Tomorrow afternoon 10/1, no route #15 bus (Ronie). Route #10 bus with double up (Jon M). Students at NHS, HES and DWM need to get on route #10 bus.
Wednesday afternoon 10/2, no route #25 (Tim). Route #20 (John G) will double up. Students at NHS and HES need to get on route #10 (Jon M) and will transfer over to route #20 at CWCIT.
Friday 10/4, no route #20 (John G) both a.m. and p.m. Route #25 (Tim) will double up.
In the a.m., route #25 students need to be out 20 minutes earlier than normal to meet the bus. In the afternoon, students at NHS and HES need to get on route #10 (Jon M) and will transfer to route #25 at CWCIT.
Please be patient with drivers, and anticipate some delays this week.
We are desperately trying to find spare drivers to alleviate these double-ups. If you know of anyone who might be interested in being a regular run driver, a spare, or an afternoon/evening trip driver, please have them contact us!

New Classes for MSAD #37 Adult & Community Education are starting soon!
visit: msad37.coursestorm.com for more information or to sign up!

MSAD 37 is hiring! Several positions are available:

January 16: Early Release for MSAD #37. Due to this, Intro to Welding will be postponed until next week.

The Fall 2023 MSAD #37 Adult & Community Education course catalog is now available online at msad37.coursestorm.com

The 2023-2024 Proposed Budget is available in summary (on our front page) and in detail (in Documents...public documents). If you have questions, please feel free to contact us at the Superintendent's Office at 483-2734.

Sports pictures tomorrow, 3/21, at 8:00. All players need to bring uniforms and sneakers.

No Buddy's bus this morning, 2/28. Darlene will double up. Expect delays.

Interested in earning your high school diploma? Classes start next week and are held in the evening to accommodate most work schedules. Not sure of your next steps? Contact Eric Brooks, Director of Adult & Community Education, to find out how many classes you need; you may be closer than you think. All diploma classes are FREE.
Contact Info for Eric Brooks
Email: ebrooks@msad37.org
Phone (207) 483-6681 (may need to leave a message)

MSAD #37 Adult & Community Education classes are now posted online. Visit msad37.coursestorm.com for more information or to sign up! Interested in earning your high school diploma? Contact Director Eric Brooks via email: ebrooks@msad37.org to make a plan!

There will be a two-hour delay this morning, 1/5/23.

Adult & Community Education has a new logo!
Special thanks to Mileah Carter Brown for her help with the design for the new logo! She was able to help bring the representation of our communities together- from the pine trees on the blueberry fields to the lobster boats in our beautiful coastal towns—with the first light of the sun each morning!
MSAD 37 Adult & Community Education Classes will be starting soon! Visit msad37.coursestorm.com for more information!

Don't forget today is Budget Validation day! Town offices are open until 8:00 p.m. for voting!!!

Just a reminder that the SAD #37 District Budget Meeting is at 7:00 p.m. tomorrow night (5/24) at Narraguagus! Hope to see you there!

The School Bus Driver Training OPEN HOUSE will be TONIGHT, May 4, at 6:00 PM at Narraguagus Jr/Sr High School!

🩺💚 Certified Nursing Assistant Training Program 🩺💚
⏰Classes will be held in March/April in the evenings and some Saturdays- we try to work around everyone’s schedule as much as possible. We know people need to still work!
✔️This meets state requirements and is very rigorous—your instructor is very experienced and outstanding! You will be ready to work as a CNA once you have completed this course!
🗓 Applications are due February 11, 2022
🔜Visit msad37.coursestorm.com for the application and for more information.
❓ Contact Eric Brooks via email at ebrooks@msad37.org

EdGE has been cancelled for today, 1/31.
We have a double up of Darlene and Buddy's buses. Expect delays.

The Winter/Spring Class offerings are NOW AVAILABLE for MSAD #37 Adult & Community Education classes! Visit msad37.coursestorm.com for more information or to sign up for classes! Registration to attend classes is extremely important! Classes will also continue to be added! Keep checking our website or our Facebook page at facebook.com/msad37adultcommunityed for the latest updates!

There is no school today (1/7/22) in MSAD #37. Enjoy the snow day!