RSU/SAD #37 invites applications for the position of Principal at Narraguagus Jr./Sr. High School with a start date of July 1, 2023.
Narraguagus is a part of our rural school district located on the coast of Maine with great natural beauty in Washington County. Enrollment at this 7-12 school is approximately 320 being served by an instructional and support staff of about 55. Students feed in from our five towns, including Addison, Columbia, Columbia Falls, Harrington, and Milbridge, along with some tuition students from Cherryfield, Beddington, Deblois, and a couple of Townships.
Applicants must hold or be eligible for a Building Administrator certificate. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience, and we offer competitive benefits with surrounding school districts.
Visit our website at
Interested candidates should contact MSAD 37 for more information and/or to request application materials. Applications will close on Monday, April 24, 2023.
RSU/SAD #37 Superintendent’s Office
1020 Sacarap Road
Harrington ME 04643
Telephone: (207) 483-2734